Clipper Construction Is the Place to Go to When Looking for a Biolab Builder in Baltimore

Clipper Construction, a company based in Baltimore, MD, has announced that they are seeking biolab projects in Baltimore and in the greater Baltimore-Washington DC metropolitan area. The construction professionals at Clipper Construction have the necessary expertise regarding the construction of biolabs, which requires special knowledge because of the biosafety requirements for such laboratory buildings. Since such buildings will contain potentially harmful microbes, there are four biosafety levels for biolabs that are indicative of how strict the controls are for the laboratory practices, facility construction, and safety equipment.

Each particular biosafety level requires certain controls for the containment of biological agents and microbes. These are based on severity of disease, infectivity, transmissibility, and the nature of the work done in the laboratory facility. Biosafety level 1 means the microbes that they work on are low risk microbes, such as a nonpathogenic strain of E. coli. This particular lab will have regular PPE to be worn as needed, and a sink for washing hands. It must also have doors to separate the lab working space from the other parts.

laboratory general contractor

Biosafety level 2 means the microbes pose moderate hazards. These are microbes that are usually indigenous and related to disease with varying severity, such as Staphylococcus aureus. In this facility, the relevant PPE is worn, including face shields and eye protection. The procedures that can result into an infection are done inside a biological safety cabinet and an autoclave or an alternative process for decontamination is provided for proper disposals. This facility must be provided with an eyewash and a sink, and with self-closing doors.

As can be seen, the severity of the disease and the risks involved are higher as the biosafety level goes higher, requiring stricter laboratory practices, better safety equipment, and the facility construction requires additional features. For example, for a biosafety level 3 facility, workers wear PPE, including respirators, and the facility must have hands-free sinks and eyewash close to the exit, exhaust air is not recirculated, there must be sustained directional airflow, and entrance is through two sets of self-closing and locking doors.

And biosafety level 4 lab, which is the highest, is where work is done on exotic and dangerous microbes, such as the Marburg and Ebola viruses. Lab workers wear special suits, which are typically full body, positive pressure, air-supplied suits. And the lab is either a separate building or in a restricted and isolated part of a building. The lab is provided with a dedicated supply of air, exhaust, including vacuum lines and decontamination systems.

The specific design will be based on what kind of biosafety level the biolab will be used for. These will be discussed with the client, the lab manager, the architects, engineers, and other people who are concerned regarding the design of the lab facility. The pre-construction stage in the construction of a biolab is a critical phase because it is where the baseline is specified from which the design will be developed. The design process has seven primary steps, which are: concept development, design development, subcontractor bid process, construction documents, program development, securing of permits, and bid letting. More about their design-build process can be read about at

Clipper Construction was founded with the primary goal of offering commercial construction services in Baltimore and neighboring areas with top quality services while making sure that business operations are not interrupted substantially. The company has a group of skilled construction professionals who have a lot of experience with various types and sizes of projects, such as office space, retail stores, restaurants, industrial buildings, non-profits, multifamily housing, medical buildings, and more. They are a commercial general contracting company capable of handling the construction needs in a broad range of industries, including retail/office fit-out, historical restoration, adaptive reuse, and mixed-use development. In addition, they won’t hesitate to apply advanced technology in order to ensure the highest possible efficiencies in the construction process and making sure that the projects are finished promptly, within budget, and with complete customer satisfaction.

Those who are looking for a biolab builder in Baltimore and neighboring areas can check out the Clipper Construction website, or contact them on the telephone or through email.

Original post here: Clipper Construction Is the Place to Go to When Looking for a Biolab Builder in Baltimore


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